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Untold stories of failure..

Untold stories of failure with Mr Atunyota Akpomobe aka Alibaba hosted by Ife Durosinmi of AGS tribe.

The popular Nigerian comedian spoke of certain failures he experienced in his career which he considers as stepping Stones.

Watch ifedurosinmietti_20200506_6

For example, he spoke about paying a bank for a 5 year lease for this event center! By the time they finished getting the ground ready and all, within a month, they had 24 bookings, and these bookings covered for all the investment they put into the space… but guess what happened… 3 years down the line, the government decided to build the toll gate, this ate into the land they were using. Then banks starting coming into that area, so the land they were using for car park etc at the time wasn’t available anymore so he decided to shut down the event center…

Many of us would have looked at this situation as a failure/challenge forgetting how much profit you made in the particular business…. The business was amazing for the time it lasted and it’s okay to pause or shut some things down if it isn’t working anymore… it was part of the journey and was meant to just prepare him for something else!

He was also offered a federal appointment, residency amongst others! He also spoke about his failed marriage and how he didn’t let it impact on his brand. 

Another thing that blew my mind was how much money Comedian’s are making! Wawu! I remember back in the day, people cringed when you said you wanted to be a musician, or actor, or comedian etc, not knowing they were the real ballers oh! These people are making more money than people in the oil and gas industry and they just cover everything with giggles and jokes! He said one time, he was toasting a babe and her mum didn’t realize he understood Yoruba, she was calling him ‘Alawada’.

Think about it, they don’t need to pay for equipment, speakers, nothing, not even microphone, they just need to be present and deliver, then boom, cash in the bank!

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